Bücher besitzen – Bücher lesen / Possedere libri – leggere libri (1750–1850)

29 (2020), 1


Michael Span e Ursula Stampfer




Owning Books – Reading Books (1750–1850)

The history of reading forms the thematic focal point of this issue, with the geographical spotlight falling on predominantly Catholic areas of the Alps and neighbouring regions to the south in the period from 1750 to 1850. As regards methods and content, the individual contributions take into account the whole complex of themes dealt with by the history of books and reading. Which circumstances – such as the spread of reading ability and access to reading materials - make reading at all possible? What significance was attached to reading? And, not least, there is the issue of knowledge acquirement: how did the process of reading actually take place? Thus, the articles collected here approach the history of books and their readers from different perspectives and, in doing so, they offer impulses for further research.

ABSTRACTS articles (en) 29 (2020), 1


Bücher besitzen – Bücher lesen / Possedere libri – leggere libri (1750–1850)



Rezensionen / Recensioni

Die Universität Innsbruck in der Ära der Thun-Hohenstein’schen Reformen 1848–1860. Aufbruch in eine neue Zeit
, (Ed.)
Geschichte der Universität Innsbruck 1669–2019, Bd. 1: Phasen der Universitätsgeschichte, Teilbd. 2: Die Universität im 20. Jahrhundert
, , , (Ed.)
Das Jahr ohne Sommer. Die Hungerkrise 1816/17 im mittleren Alpenraum
La guerra in testa. Esperienze e traumi di civili, profughi e soldati nel manicomio di Pergine Valsugana (1909–1924)
Conquistare le madri. Il ruolo delle donne nella politica educativa e assistenziale in Alto Adige durante il fascismo
Die Besetzung der Vergangenheit. Archäologie, Frühgeschichte und NS-Herrschaftslegitimation im Alpen-Adria-Raum (1939–1945)
, (Ed.)
Beyond Hartheim. Täterinnen und Täter im Kontext von ‚Aktion T4‘ und ‚Aktion Reinhard‘
, , (Ed.)
Politika 20. Südtiroler Jahrbuch für Politik/Annuario di politica dell’Alto Adige/Anuar de politica dl Südtirol