Grenzregionen im Kalten Krieg / Regioni di confine nella Guerra fredda
Border Regions during the Cold War
Borders and border regions are places of division, separation and conflict, but also of passage, connection, meeting, cooperation and exchange. As such, they play a central role in European history. This journal issue examines border regions within the historical context of the Cold War. In doing so, it poses a variety of questions regarding issues such as the influence of new borders on local communities and historically consolidated economic, social and political spaces; how states, institutions and communities deal with the situation in border regions; and the significance of the ‘Iron Curtain’ for people who wanted to move from the East to the West. It also considers what possibilities existed for cooperation between different regions and enquires about the development of historical conflicts in border regions away from the East-West dividing line. Articles dealing with four different regions pursue these questions: case studies on the Röhn region, Burgenland, South Tyrol and the Alpine-Adriatic zone indicate the varying scenarios and meanings of borders and border regions in Europe during the Cold War.
ABSTRACTS articles (EN) GRSR 30 (2021, 2