Peer Review(er)
Geschichte und Region/Storia e regione is a peer-reviewed journal. Since 2013, articles submitted for publication in the focal topic section and the “Aufsätze/Contributi” section are submitted to a double-blind peer review process.
Following initial evaluation and preselection by the editorial office, each article is anonymized and sent to two external reviewers for assessment. The editorial office makes the final decision on whether to publish each contribution based on the recommendations of these two reviewers.
Should one or both of the reviewers recommend a thorough revision of the article prior to publication, the editorial office assumes responsibility for ensuring that the necessary adaptations are made to the article before it is published. The editorial office reserves the final decision regarding publication in the event of diverging reviews. The contents of the review reports are not published; they are only forwarded to the respective author. By submitting their manuscript, each author consents to that manuscript being subjected to the peer review process and is advised not to disseminate the review reports. The two reviewers are likewise advised not to disseminate the article or any of its contents.
The purpose of the peer review process is to ensure the scientific quality of submitted articles and provide suggestions for improvement in this regard where appropriate.
Our journal observes and promotes specific guidelines for a responsible scientific publishing process. Details can be found in our Code of Ethics.
We wish to thank all reviewers who have supported our journal since 2013 by performing peer-reviews free of charge. (Reviewers are listed alphabetically, not in chronological order of the publication of the respective articles.)
Reviewers, 2013–2023
Enrico Acciai
Filiberto Agostini
Giuseppe Albertoni
Helmut Alexander
Riccardo Altieri
Kurt Andermann
Quinto Antonelli
Davide Arecco
Jan Arend
Marie-Pierre Arrizabalaga
Matthias Asche
Norbert Bachleitner
Brigitta Bader Zaar
Tina Bahovec
Gunda Barth-Scalmani
Davide Bagnaresi
Patrizia Battilani
Peter Becker
Marco Bellabarba
Anna Bellavitis
Marcel Berlinghoff
Patrick Bernhard
Annunziata Berrino
Barbara Bettoni
Marcus Böick
Marcello Bonazza
Simona Boscani-Leoni
Stefan Brakensiek
Marco Bresciani
Evelyn Brugger
Pietro Cafaro
Antonio Carlini
Ester Capuzzo
Thomas Casagrande
Ricardo Cella
Daniele Ceschin
Siglinde Clementi
Laurence Cole
Michele Colucci
Anne Conrad
Norbert Conrads
Gustavo Corni
Alessandro Costazza
Maria Crosina
Marco Cuaz
Emanuele Curzel
Enikő Dácz
Federica Dalla Pria
Vittorio Daniele
Christoph Dartmann
Francesco Della Puppa
Edoardo Demo
Markus Denzel
Sebastian De Pretto
Andrea Dessardo
Elisabeth Dietrich-Daum
Andrea Di Michele
Francesco Di Palma
Miloš Djordjević
Astrid M. Eckert
Stefan Ehrenpreis
David Ellwood
Matthias Egger
Francesca Fauri
Giovanni Favero
Silke Fehlemann
Stefano Ferrari
Maria Fiebrandt
Wladimir Fischer
Alessio Fornasin
Gerhard Fouquet
Emilio Franzina
Christine Freitag
Margret Friedrich
Johannes Frimmel
Angelo Gaudio
Michael Gehler
Richard German
Eric Gobetti
Stefan Goch
Peter Goller
Muriel González Athenas
Kathrin Gottschalk
Andreas Gottsmann
Maximilian Graf
Rudolf Gräf
Sr. Nicole Grochowina
Robert Groß
Michael Grüttner
Christian Hagen
Andreas Hedwig
Hans Heiss
Harald Heppner
Laurent Herment
Jan Otmar Hesse
Gerhard Hirschfeld
Michaela Hohkamp
Florian Huber
Peter Huber
Angela Ilić
Kerstin Susanne Jobst
Aleksej Kalc
Andreas Kappeler
Alois Kernbauer
Christa Klein
Rupert Klieber
Lutz Klinkhammer
Martin Knoll
Martin Kofler
Christopher Kopper
Karl Kraus
Konrad Kuhn
Hermann J. W. Kuprian
Erika Kustatscher
Nicola Labanca
Eva Labouvie
Paola Lanaro
Nikola Langreiter
Ernst Langthaler
David Laven
Tiziana Lazzari
Stefan Lechner
Ulrich L. Lehner
Liise Lehtsalu
Andrea Maria Locatelli
Christoph Lorke
Paolo Malanima
Paolo Malni
Stefania Mangano
Jon Mathieu
Werner Matt
Johannes Mattes
Federico Mazzini
Umberto Mazzone
Francesca Medioli
Wolfgang Meixner
Matteo Melchiore
Daniele Menozzi
Marco Meriggi
Giorgio Mezzalira
Fortunato Minniti
Luca Mocarelli
Ulf Morgenstern
Simona Mori
Luigi Musella
Dieter Nelles
Mauro Nequirito
Karin Neuwirth
Heinz Noflatscher
Thomas Nussbaumer
Andreas Oberhofer
Hannes Obermair
Gernot Obersteiner
Katia Occhi
Amedeo Osti Guerrazzi
Günther Pallaver
Martin Pelc
Santo Peli
Andrea Pennini
Raffaella Perin
Stefano Petrungaro
Nicole Phelps
Walter Pichler
Renate Pieper
Simonetta Polenghi
Giovanna Procacci
Luigi Provero
Ursula Prutsch
Magdalena Puchberger
Raoul Pupo
Marco Puppini
Andrej Rahten
Fabrizio Rasera
Maurizio Raselli
Peter Rauscher
Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu
Alice Riegler
Dorothee Rippmann
Stephanie Risse
Javier Rodrigo Sanchez
Matthias Röhrs
Anne Rohstock
Carlo Romeo
Sieglinde Rosenberger
Vito Rovigo
Antonio Russo
Roberto Sala
Mirco Saltori
Martina Salvante
Rafaella Sarti
Federico Scarano
Ansgar Schanbacher
Kurt Scharr
Jonas Scherner
Stephanie Schlesier
Jürgen Schlumbohm
Christine Schneider
Elmar Schübl
Peter Schuster
Giuseppe Sciortino
Bettina Severin-Barboutie
Giulia Simone
Stefan Sonderegger
Norbert Spannenberger
Olga Sparschuh
Claudia Spring
Werner Stangl
Reinhard Stauber
Barbara Staudinger
Martina Steber
Annemarie Steidl
Gerald Steinacher
Rok Stergar
Leopold Steurer
Thomas Stockinger
Georg Stöger
Werner Suppanz
Jan Surman
Francesca Trivellato
Mate Nicola Tokic
Francesco Toncich
Armin Törggler
Borbala Zsuzsana Török
Edoardo Tortarolo
Alfonso Tortora
Stefan Troebst
Bernhard Tschofen
Silvia Serena Tschopp
Oswald Überegger
Gian Maria Varanini
Marta Verginella
Anna Maria Vinci
Martin Wagendorfer
Thomas Wallnig
Wolfgang Weber
Michael Wedekind
Andreas Weigl
Michael Wögerbauer
Frank Wolf
Hans Woller
Camillo Zadra
Andreas Zajic
Davide Zaffi
Heidrun Zettelbauer
Gertraud Zeindl
Beatrice Zucca Micheletto