Region und Welt / Regione e mondo

30 (2021), 1


Francesca Brunet, Marcus Gräser, Ernst Langthaler


Regions and the World

The decades-long primacy of national history has been increasingly challenged, by regional history on the one hand and global history on the other hand. Despite their common positon contrary to national history, the relationship between regional and global history can nevertheless be characterized as one of working alongside each other, rather than with one another. However, if historical scholarship is to show due sensibility for spatial aspects of the past, then regional and global history must try to develop their concepts of space together.

This journal issue presents some case studies in this direction. The articles explore the potential for connecting global and regional historical questions and approaches, as well as demonstrating the variety of research fields in which these might be applied in practice. In doing so, the chronological and geographical focus lies in regions of Habsburg-ruled Central Europe and Italy between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries.

ABSTRACTS (en) GRSR 30 (2021), 1


Region und Welt / Regione e mondo

, ,
Surprising Similarities? Food Market Deregulation and the Consequences of Laissez-Faire in Vienna, Paris and New York City, c. 1840–1880
Mapping and Appropriating American Regions and Structures with “Austrian eyes”. Consuls of the Habsburg Monarchy in the United States as Intermediators in the 1820s and 1830s
Encountering the Fields of Fire. Neapolitan Networks from Bohemia to Pennsylvania and the Transformation of Regional Study into Global Science
Güterketten als Bindeglieder zwischen Standort und Weltmarkt. Das Beispiel Semperit, 19.–21. Jahrhundert
Forze motrici globali, “commercio universale” asburgico e connessioni translocali. Reti mercantili tra Europa centrale e Atlantico spagnolo in un secolo di trasformazioni (1713–1815)
I Reichstrotters e il regno Lombardo Veneto. Mobilità transregionale e funzionari pubblici nello spazio “globale” dell’impero asburgico (1815–1860)


Global, Regional and Small Spaces in eighteenth-century Habsburg Europe
Die Habsburgermonarchie in globaler Perspektive? Zur Rekonzeptualisierung eines europäischen Empires
Seeing the Habsburg Monarchy as a Global Empire in an Era of Self-Styled Nation-States
Ukrainische Zirkulationsräume oder transregionale Wege der „Ukrainekunde“ im Europa der Zwischenkriegszeit
Die Bedeutung der ‚Region‘ in der Globalgeschichte

Rezensionen / Recensioni

, (Ed.)
Lost & Found. Archäologie in Südtirol vor 1919 / Archeologia in Alto Adige prima del 1919
Archive in Südtirol / Archivi in Provincia di Bolzano. Geschichte und Perspektiven / Storia e prospettive
Wäldar ka nüd jedar sin! Eine Geschichte des Bregenzerwaldes
, (Ed.)
Provinz als Denk- und Lebensform. Der Donau-Karpatenraum im langen 19. Jahrhundert
Minderheiten-Soldaten. Ethnizität und Identität in den Armeen des Ersten Weltkriegs
Tra due divise. La Grande Guerra degli italiani d’Austria
Il nazionalista. Ettore Tolomei. L’uomo che inventò l’Alto Adige
Bürgerliche Geschichtswelten im Nationalsozialismus. Der Verein für Hamburgische Geschichte zwischen Beharrung und Selbstmobilisierung
, (Ed.)
Agnes, Ida, Max und die anderen. NS-„Euthanasie“ und Südtirol. Vergessen und Erinnern
Endzeit. Krieg und Alltag in Tirol 1945
Die Frauen für Frieden. Gegen Aufrüstung und Krieg. Südtirol 1980–1986
Südtirols Parteien. Analysen, Trends und Perspektiven