Veränderungen des Raums / Mutamenti dello spazio

26 (2017), 1


Ellinor Forster


Spatial structures with their attributions of meaning are continuously subject to changes. If such processes of change extend over longer periods of time, they are more easily integrated into the respective conceptions of space. If changes occur suddenly, however, they can often lead to conflicts since they are perceived as interfering with the existing order and orientation. This is the case during the implementation of administrative reforms, for example. In times of fundamental administrative changes in history, differing spatial concepts regularly clashed. When a sovereignty decided to implement a new order in a certain region, for instance, that new order subsequently usually competed with the local population’s perception and usage of space.

With this consideration as a point of departure, this issue on “Veränderungen des Raums/Mutamenti dello spazio” (Changes to Spaces) interweaves the analysis of spatial constructs with modern administrative history. All four contributions deal with the implementation—or attempts at implementation—of new administration structures that challenged existing spatial constructions.

ABSTRACTS articles (eng)


Veränderungen des Raums / Mutamenti dello spazio



Rezensionen / Recensioni

Per una storia degli archivi di Trento, Bressanone e Innsbruck. Ricerche e fonti (secoli XIV–XIX)
, , (Ed.)
Ländliche Gemeingüter/Rural Commons. Kollektive Ressourcennutzung in der europäischen Agrarwirtschaft/Collective Use of Ressources in the European Agrarian Economy
, (Ed.)
Beziehungen, Vernetzungen, Konflikte. Perspektiven Historischer Verwandtschaftsforschung
„Nachts hörten wir Hyänen und Schakale heulen.“ Das Tagebuch eines Südtirolers aus dem Italienisch-Abessinischen Krieg 1935–1936
Klingendes Bekenntnis zu Führer und Reich: Musik und Identität im Reichsgau Tirol-Vorarlberg 1938–1945
Die Lieder der Geschwister Rainer und „Rainer Family“ aus dem Zillertal (1822−1843). Untersuchungen zur Popularisierung von Tiroler Liedern in Deutschland, England und Amerika
, , (Ed.)
La difesa dell’italianità. L’Ufficio per le zone di confine a Bolzano, Trento e Trieste (1945–1954)
, , (Ed.)
Geheimdienste – Netzwerke und Macht. Im Gedenken an Hans Eckert. Basler Advokat, Flüchtlingshelfer und Nachrichtenmann 1912–2011
Traumstraße oder Transithölle? Eine Diskursgeschichte der Brennerautobahn in Tirol und Südtirol (1950–1980)